Fun & Easy Study Technique: Live Workshop Teaches Kids to Draw their Notes

How can we use your kid's CREATIVITY to help your son or daughter

Kids these days will inevitably have to read and write a lot. But what if drawing combined with handwriting could make the studying process more fun?

What if their notes looked so good the notes themselves could be a presentation or part of their portfolio?

What if we could inject a little fun and creativity into their most tedious school work?

click on the panel to zoom in

Could learning, no matter what the material, be as fun as their favorite game?

Is it really possible that one note-taking technique that combines art and language could achieve all of this?

And even if it IS possible, how much would it be worth to learn it?

This Lesson is 100% FREE

All it will cost you is the 5-minute hassle of checking your schedule for a block of time for your son or daughter to learn.

But surely it will lead to some expensive offer in the end right??? "There is no free lunch" as they say.

If your son or daughter likes the lesson and wants to learn more in the future then I have other classes and collaborative art projects I can offer them. But ONLY if your son or daughter ABSOLUTELY LOVES this first free lesson. is an IEM vendor, and can easily become a vendor for most charter schools with your recommendation.  

So you must be wondering...

How could mixing art and notes possibly get MY SON OR DAUGHTER excited about studying?

Schools always emphasize reading and writing, and rarely implement active use of drawing or visuals outside of art class.

Reading and writing only uses the language and listening parts of the brain.

Traditional learning fails to engage the most useful tools of the human mind.

University of Rochester researchers found that our brains dedicate more than half of the surface of our brains to processing visuals.

Maybe this is why so many of us end up doodling in our notes and feeling bored even while trying to focus on a lecture,

or why we find it so easy to drive while listening to something completely unrelated.

Even language itself started out as pictograms--the clever creation of visuals, symbols, and images.

That's why I teach students to DRAW their notes and use their CREATIVITY to study.

This approach is new, but it borrows techniques that are as ancient as our oldest human ancestors illustrating stories on the walls of caves.

The human brain is very slow to read words and sentences. Yet it can read images and visuals almost instantaneously by comparison.

Even the most rudimentary drawings can contain so much more information for the person who drew it. This is why in every form of storytelling it is always better to show than it is to tell.

An image is worth a 1,000 words. This is why notes with 5 drawings is better than 5,000 words, but far easier to review and remember.

This Technique is Easy

I love to draw. I studied animation at art school. I worked as a professional animator, graphic designer, web designer, and game artist at different studios across the world. In fact I drew and created all of the graphics on this webpage. So of course, I love this technique.

But many of the high school students I taught could draw no better than kindergarteners when they began my classes. But even drawing their notes POORLY transforms studying into a positive experience.

This technique doesn't require almost any drawing skill at all. In fact, I encourage my students to draw like kindergarteners. Maybe that's why they learn to enjoy learning again like kindergarteners.

See the results for yourself. Student Sketch Note Examples

Below are some different examples of notes taken by students during my interactive online 50-minute one time tutoring session. During this workshop students learn to use their visual spatial intelligence to render notes that are

See if you our schedules align. Register your son or daughter for the FREE 50-minute Sketch Note-Taking Workshop on

Check Availability

But will this work for YOUR son or daughter?

According to parents this lesson is great for...

  • Neurodivergent kids diagnosed with ADHD, dysgraphia, or dyslexia.
  • Kids who prefer games to studying.
  • Kids who prefer reading, drawing, watching videos
    or doing ANYTHING to studying

500+ students took this workshop in 2022-2023. We received 164 positive response reviews.

Here is  just a small sample of the feedback I got from the parents of students who paid $25 to take the 50 minute one time online tutoring session.

Responses from Parents & Students

My daughter has high functioning autism and she really enjoyed this class. It is often difficult for her to copy copious notes and I felt she learned a lot from this that could help her for the upcoming school year.

- Keshet R.

If your kid loves to draw this is an outstanding course. Our kiddo is blessed to be a easy learner but this course made it even easier for her to use her passion to help retain even more information effortlessly. Great course, outstanding teacher.

- Cassandra B.

My 12 yo son really loved this course. He has difficulty processing verbal language, so note-taking- particularly from a lecture or video- is challenging for him. This method, and Shaun's teaching style, resonated with my son. He paid attention for the whole class (which is also often a challenge), and I immediately saw the benefits of what he'd learned. He no longer dreads taking notes, we no longer have to repeatedly pause lectures/videos, and he is able to capture the important information. I can't thank Shaun enough!

- Sharon G.

Shaun was very engaging and interactive with all students. He took a skill that my son dreads (more taking) and made it appealing. Most of the students did not want to leave class when it was finished! I especially appreciated his personalized feedback on how my son did in class. We will be looking for more of Shaun’s classes!

Ann G.

Great class! My son enjoyed it and has been using the techniques he learned. Useful tools for dyslexia/dysgraphia/ADHD student.

- Amanda F.

My kid thinks it was interesting and fun class. Good for kids who like to draw and get bored in regular class.

- Na X.

Visual note-taking was a totally new concept for my kid. So I expected to only sow the seeds that she would incorporate some time. Following this class, when the French teacher asked her to draw some concepts she quickly drew it, and I was very happy to do it. Of course, it needs refinement, as she had to explain the drawings to us. But she got what she needed from the class. Thank you ~ Olivia

- Sharon G.

This was one of the most exciting classes I've ever taken, both online and in person, it was super engaging and and fun.The whole class made it seem as if I was sitting at home talking to an old bud of mine, personally I'm more into games, graphic design, and mostly photography, but one of my other class mates was more into art and drawing, and we were both equally taught, its not like one of us had less to learn than the other, All in all i would 100%% recommend this class for any one and every one!

- Jenn

Shaun is such an amazing teacher ! My 11 yo son enjoyed this class so much and he was absolutely excited about what he learned. He started working on his school project right after the class and he is researching things and trying to summarise it using the skills that he learned in this class . It is practical and such an important and useful skills to learn. Highly recommended!!

- Joshua

My 14-year old really enjoyed learning about this "cool technique." He said, after drawing all the notes, he actually can remember everything. I hope it's a skill he will be able to use across all subjects.

- Ginger B.

My daughter really enjoyed this class. She struggled with her 4th and 5th grade teacher being strict about no doodling in class as she just can't help it. I think this helped her realize it's okay and I sure hope her middle school teachers allow doodling, especially if it's in note taking form.

- Bridget B.

The teacher was very engaging and his ideas to enhance note taking were great. This method, like anything else will require practice but the effort will surely be beneficial and even freeing, for the student. Even for those who never like to draw, the simple methods taught for organizing notes in visual ways are very doable for even the most unlikely artist. In fact, I see this as more like a CREATIVELY STRATEGIC note-taking class for any student, not just for those who like to draw. I would recommend this class!

- Katie

I love this class because Shaun engages his students. The visual parts keep the students actively interested in the lesson; his presentation of the lessons he teaches is fully engaging, because he makes the boring ‘things’ look like fun. I would recommend this class to anyone looking for a way to have a good time while learning.

- Nathanael S

My 12 year old was so excited, he got off the class shouting "I'll never be the same again!!!!" (in a good way of course). He loved this class

- Denise

Free PDF for every participant

This lesson is critical for students to learn so I am also making a full PDF of the lesson materials available to everyone who takes the workshop.

Here's a preview of the PDF. This is just the illustrated outline, but the PDF will include the full instructions.

Availability is Limited

To insure that each student has the best experience this class is a live online interactive workshop. To do this we keep class sizes very small. Only 12 seats available for each session.

Deep Discount Only Temporary

I used to offer this workshop on another website for $25 but I recently launched

So for a limited time I am offering this workshop 100% TOTALLY FREE of charge.

This sale will not last. So take advantage for your family and tell anyone else you like while you still can.

Once my sketch note-taking workshops, game design game jams, and art clubs fill up, I will no longer have time to offer this workshop for free.

Connecting Creatives through Collaboration

I created Best Class Ever to right the wrongs of the institutionalized classroom because I take creative kids seriously.

I believe that creativity and entrepreneurship can

Have Your Son or Daughter Take the Live Online Sketch Note Taking Workshop

$0 FREE Summer Special (usually $25)

Clicking this button will NOT ask for you credit card information. I am not charging you for anything. The workshop is totally free for as long as I have seats available.