Building Better Habits

Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring Program

Shaun’s version of the Future Authoring Program (free)

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Best Class Ever Discord Channel

How to Build a Scoreboard

Decide what you want to track. Use or build a spreadsheet.

The first row of the first column should mark your first day. Make a column/category for each habit you want to track.

Make a graph to see how well you are doing over time.

Be sure to personalize it.

Describe your overall theme in one catchy line. Post it near the top. Add some colors and art that you like. Mine has the illustration of me and game design students playing Mafia in the same composition as the last supper.

Engage with it everyday.

Make it a ritual. Make it visible. Stack it with another habit. Make it a habit.

Share it on social.

Declare to the world that you’re committed to moving consciously through the world. Too embarrassed, share it with just us on the Best Class Ever Discord Channel.