Bible Study Interactive
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Got questions? There are answers…
- How do we resolve the conflict between Science & Religion?
- How do I contend with tragedy, pain, and loss?
- How can we avoid unnecessary calamity?
- How do I find the motivation to change for the better?
- How does a life of faith benefit me during my lifetime?
- What can I expect after I die? What is the spiritual world like in detail?
- Why did God create us? What is God like? Why is there so much pain in life?
- What is true love? How can I maintain a healthy relationship? How should I raise a family?
1Body Soul & Spirit
Have you ever wondered about what will happen after you die?
Are you curious about the concept of “spirit” or is your understanding vague or unclear?
What is the difference between the Soul and the Spirit?
2Last Days - When Will the End Come & What Should We Expect?
Q1: Is God of the Old Testament different than God of the New Testament? If there is a difference what is it? Why?
Q2: When should we expect the prophecies of the Last Days to be fulfilled?
Q3: What will the end of days look like realistically? Is it possible we could have the wrong expectations like the Jews did 2,000 years ago?
3Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Prophecy of Fire
Q: How many of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled or not fulfilled?
Q: Why can't Christians convince Jews that Jesus is their Messiah?
4Ideal World & Clouds
The Great Hope of Christianity is the fulfillment of the ideal world when we will meet the Lord in the clouds. But how will this actually happen? We will explore the scriptures and analyze the parables to see if we can break this seal.
Q: Do human beings have free will or did God predetermine everything beforehand?
Q: Does God predestine people to go to Hell?
In this lesson we will try to resolve the ancient theological debate between Absolute Predestination (God already knows and planned everything that will happen) and Relative Predestination (Free Will). How to do we resolve these two incompatible ideas?