Episode 29 – The Best YouTube Channels

Episode 29 – The Best YouTube Channels

I love learning. I find it both meaningful and fun, which is a magical combination. This is also why I love teaching and why I love school. But somehow schools have managed to take the fun out of learning. While I love a great class, I no longer believe the best learning is taking place in schools. The best learning is taking place on YouTube.
Episode 27 – Dear Future Me

Episode 27 – Dear Future Me

Want a clever way to time travel and cheat death? Play your favorite music from when you were a teenager and take a look at some old photos or journal entries. Write an email or letter to your future self and write your own eulogy to be read at your funeral. But if you are going to go on this adventure, there is one critical ingredient you will need...
Episode 25 – When Is it Right to Be Angry?

Episode 25 – When Is it Right to Be Angry?

Even Jesus the Messiah of Christianity and the ultimate archetype of all that is good got angry and publicly denounced the religious leaders of his time period. Obviously those benefiting from the status quo are not going to agree with these revolutionary thinkers and will find such self-righteousness to be condescending. So who can judge between these opposing factions?