11-18 years-olds Will Work Together to Produce an Original Choose-Your-Own Adventure Visual Novel Comic Game Prototype in 3 Weeks, Even if they have Never Learned Programming!
Kids can Collaborate, Connect, & Make New Friends while Making Comics & Developing Games together
Join our after school art project, twice a week, for three weeks for a total of 6 ninety-minute sessions.
As part of a team your creative son or daughter will get to choose whether to
- draw new original characters for their team,
- write an original choose-your-own-adventure story for their team,
- and/or learn to use Python programming
to create an original, playable game prototype that each of them can then add to their art portfolio!
Project Based Learning
So we team them up, give them the tools, and allow them to figure it out together.
- Live Online classes - all the student needs is a PC/Mac laptop and an internet connection
- Students build personal connections and make new friends by forming small teams
- Create a Portfolio Piece: The art and game can be used as a portfolio to apply to art school or college.
Student Art Gallery
Click on the images below to see some of the art created by student teams for their original games.
Final Prototype Presentations
The video below was the final session of a 3-week collaboration in which the student teams each took turns presenting their final game prototype.
Comments from Parents & Students
This class was previously taught on Outschool and is currently taught by Tried & True through several non-profit college preparatory programs like Upward Bound and Talent for America.
My son loves taking classes with Shaun. Shaun has been a huge help in giving my son direction not only to improve his art but also for following his passion and working to turn it in to a career.
- Kristin
My son thinks it’s the best class he’s taken! He had so much fun learning and making his game.
- Maria J.
Great class!! My son really enjoyed this. He ended each class laughing and excited to create. Thanks Shaun!
- Sheri
Fantastic experience for artists who are looking to learn alot in a rather short period of time.
Vanessa D.
My 12 year old was so excited, he got off the class shouting "I'll never be the same again!!!!" (in a good way of course). He loved this class.
Natalie C.
My 12 year old twin daughters loved the course. They said that the information was just what they needed and the teacher was very helpful! We will be looking to take more from this instructor.
Alicia V.
I enjoyed this class. Mr. Shaun really helped me with a portfolio piece that I was struggling with and showed me in an easy and concise way. I feel like I came away from this class with an extended knowledge of perspective in a way that would be hard to teach in a typical classroom environment.
Jake C.
My daughter LOVED this class and said she was excited to try this out at school today. She is usually pretty shy, but it sounds like she was able to easily relate to the teacher and asked about taking this and some of his other classes.
Jessica G.
This was one of the most exciting classes I've ever taken, both online and in person, it was super engaging and and fun.The whole class made it seem as if I was sitting at home talking to an old bud of mine, personally I'm more into games, graphic design, and mostly photography, but one of my other class mates was more into art and drawing, and we were both equally taught, its not like one of us had less to learn than the other, All in all i would 100%% recommend this class for any one and every one!