Episode 22 – Aliens & Angels

Episode 22 – Aliens & Angels

Whether in a galaxy far far away like Star Wars, or in the very near, very possible future like Black Mirror, science fiction deals with issues that we face in the here and now. Issues like race, politics, and religion might be too hot to discuss directly for a lot of us, but fictional realities allow us to take a step back and talk about what ifs. So let’s explore today’s world by looking at stories about tomorrow.
Episode 20 – Great Science Fiction & Fantasy

Episode 20 – Great Science Fiction & Fantasy

In 1936 J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Luis flipped a coin to see which of them should write a space-travel story, and which should write a time-travel story. C.S. Luis went on to write the Chronicles of Narnia, and J.R.R. Tolkien went on to write the single most influential fantasy fiction trilogy, Lord of the Rings. Today let's look at Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and the Hunger Games.